Friday, March 11, 2011

Roxanne M Vetter Laub?

The Lord will have that judgment to make. I don't know.


  1. I'am the "Son" of "June Ann Fischer", also I have 3-Sisters
    Susie Littler, (aka Susan, Sue,) (aka Fischer, Baker. Zilske,) & Roxanne Marie Vetter ,
    (aka Fischer, Vetter, Laub,) and Gwen Wiegenstein
    (aka Fischer,)
    all 3- of my Sisters took my Mum "Alzheimer Pills" away and gave june "illegally Drugs" !!

    On August 27,2004 & on August 28,2004 their Mum
    was "Dead at "8:30 pm
    all 3-Sisters wanted the (Fischer Trust)
    Over $ 1/2 Million & $60,000.00 and on April 22,2010 Roxanne Sold their Mum & Dad Home to
    Rebeca S. & Kenneth L. Reimer for $235,000.00
    at 68295 Tortuga Rd. Cathedral City, Ca.92234
    Roxanne aubuse and Hit their Mother

    Top it off the (Fischer Trusy was 3/4 done by the Time their Dad passaway on
    Octember 19,2006
    Roxanne toot my Mum Social Security Check & my Dad Social Security Check also
    Roxanne Marie Vetter-Laub is a Very Evil Woman
    Thank you for your time,
    God Bless the Womens & Mens who have "Alzheimer"
    ps Roxanne may look nice & talke Nice But
    Roxanne wiil take all your Money

    June Ann Fischer Son,

  2. The "Stsate of California" (Boad of Reistered
    Nursing), "Suspended" Gwendoln Ann Wiegenstein
    (RN 423941 Licens)

    for "illegally Oblaining Drugs" from 2002 to
    Febuary 20,2003

    Gwen Sisters, Susie E.Littler & Roxanne Marie Vetter knew abot what Gwen was doing !

    But they did not do one things about
    that the "Drugs Gwend Ann Wiegenstein gave
    to Susie & Roxanne,
    that what kill their Mum on August 28,2004

    if you like you can,
    (goole Gwendoln Ann Wiegenstein)

    and you can read all about tj Hospital}

    God Ball America
    Thank you.

  3. Mum (June A.Fischer),

    I'am sorry for wath Susie E.Ltter of Tuckee, Ca
    Roxanne Marie Vetter of Icline Village, NV. &
    Gwendoln Ann & Michael J.Wiegenstein of
    Palm Spings, Ca. 92262-0126

    Michael work
    (DBA) Medical News Netwok
    Cathedral City, Ca. 92234

    (the $ 60,000.00 that Gwen & Mike took from
    Gwen Mum & Dad, on August 28,2002
    when they put Gwen Dad Richard H.Fischer in the "Back-Room and Lock the Door"

    Mum when I try to call you or Dad up my Sisters told us,

    that you & Dad was out,/the Mall/ also told us
    that you went back home (UK)
    may the Lord be with you & Dad

    with Love
    your Son,marqus

  4. Why did you Kill your Mum (June Ann Fischer) Roxanne why are you are drugs ?

  5. Roxanne why did you Kill your Mum (June Ann Fischer) ?
    all over drugs ! you are so EVIL
