Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gift for someone with an allergy?

Don't know if I should be paranoid or not over this. My daughter-in-law knows I have a severe allergic reaction to cow's milk. I carry an epi-pen for it and have had this allergy for years. Granted she does not like me because I don't have the same views as her on things. She likes one baseball team, I like another; she's one political party, I'm another, etc. I happen to like her, but she wants everyone to think like her and those that don't go on her bad list. So for Valentine's Day she drops off a gift at my door and then leaves. I open the bag to find it's a skin cream lotion made with real cow's milk. And it says so on the label - big blaring letters and it has it in the name of the product, even with my bad eyesight I could clearly see the stuff contains milk. Should I be concerned about my physical safety why she would give me this, given my severe allergic reaction to milk? Or did she just get absent-minded? I have yet to discuss this with my son or my daughter-in-law because I'm too upset right now.

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