Saturday, March 12, 2011

What is the best way to find baby hamsters a home..please help!?

I brought home a long haired teddy bear hamster and about nine days later I was shocked to find a litter of babies in her cage I called the pet store and to make a long story short they don't seem to know what they are doing and their service was crap. I don't want to name names but I will say this is a large corporation store and the usually have about six hamsters in one cage and seem to do everything your not supposed too.They told me they would take the babies off my hands when the time came but I don't think that is what is best for them. I have been talking to friends trying to find them each a home lucky for me there is only six pups but because they are only a week old I know that they are still at risk of being eaten and I don't want to start promising people hamsters.What should I do? When is the risk of them being eaten over?I don't want to waite in tell its too late but I don't want to promise some one a hamster only to tell them later on it has been eaten.Any suggestions? I did speak to a small private pet store and they told me they wold take any hamster that could not find a home and they seem to care a lot more than the pet store I got the mother from ...should I just take all of them there and promise no one a hamster? I know that it seems like a lot of though for just hamsters but I took on the responsibility when I brought her in to my home and I just wants whats best.

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